There is only firm belief of the “Sk foundation” is to encourage the spirit of philanthropy which shall always amount to be altruistic, enabling which the core objectives of humanity on the ground of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence. Only capable can help or donate to facilitate the needful. So, ultimate objective of this programme is to maintain equality and financial justice. All financial transactions between the people are resolutely remained with existence and inclusion of the funds, investment, and re-investment of that kind of capable person who are absolutely determined to encourage such helping programme by donating their repeated earning in this programme to pump out the help/money towards actual needy person. This divine course is result of the consistent spirit of helping others.
Sampoorna Kalyan Foundation founder, Sampoorna Kalyan FoundationEvery person is a sales person. Whenever we are talking to our family, friends, associates & acquaintances, we are selling .
This As a person progresses, his needs and wants also grow with him. We also have to keep up with the latest developments.